
Type Floating
Rate 0.00%
Currency GBP
If you're interested in an account offering no-frills banking and you're not able to open a regular one, Barclays Basic Current Account could be right for you.

The rate of 0.00% is 0% higher than the average 0%. Also it is the highest rate for this term period Updated Apr, 2023

on Barclays's secure website

If you're interested in an account offering no-frills banking and you're not able to open a regular one, Barclays Basic Current Account could be right for you.

The rate of 0.00% is 0% higher than the average 0%. Also it is the highest rate for this term period Updated Apr, 2023

on Barclays's secure website

Type Floating
Rate 0.00%
Currency GBP

Compare Barclays Saving rates

Account Name Rate
Barclays Bank Account with Executive Overdraft 0.00%
Barclays Bank Account 0.00%
BarclayPlus 0.00%