Lloyds TSB

Lloyds Club Silver account 4000.00 5000.00

Type Floating
Rate 3.00%
Currency GBP
Packed with insurance benefits. Also includes variable credit interest and more great benefits through Club Lloyds. The Club Lloyds Silver monthly maintaining the account fee comprises of: Silver Account monthly maintaining the account fee of £10 per month Plus Club Lloyds monthly maintaining the account fee is Free or £3 per month. The £3 fee is waived for each month you pay in at least £2,000 into your account. If in any month you don't pay in this amount, you will need to pay the £3 monthly maintaining the account fee. You could get a £2 discount on your Silver monthly maintaining the account fee. To qualify, in the previous month you need to have paid in at least £4,300 for sole accounts or £5,500 for joint accounts or held at least £75,000 in qualifying accounts for the full month. Conditions apply. Maximum combined monthly maintaining the account fee of £13 per month.

The rate of 3.00% is 3% higher than the average 0%. Also it is -3 % lower than the highest rate Updated Apr, 2023

on Lloyds TSB's secure website

Packed with insurance benefits. Also includes variable credit interest and more great benefits through Club Lloyds. The Club Lloyds Silver monthly maintaining the account fee comprises of: Silver Account monthly maintaining the account fee of £10 per month Plus Club Lloyds monthly maintaining the account fee is Free or £3 per month. The £3 fee is waived for each month you pay in at least £2,000 into your account. If in any month you don't pay in this amount, you will need to pay the £3 monthly maintaining the account fee. You could get a £2 discount on your Silver monthly maintaining the account fee. To qualify, in the previous month you need to have paid in at least £4,300 for sole accounts or £5,500 for joint accounts or held at least £75,000 in qualifying accounts for the full month. Conditions apply. Maximum combined monthly maintaining the account fee of £13 per month.

The rate of 3.00% is 3% higher than the average 0%. Also it is -3 % lower than the highest rate Updated Apr, 2023

on Lloyds TSB's secure website

Type Floating
Rate 3.00%
Currency GBP

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