Lloyds TSB

Type Floating
Rate 0.00%
Currency GBP
A Lloyds Basic Account may be available if you don’t meet the conditions for one of our other current accounts. This might be because you’re bankrupt, in financial difficulty, or if we’re not able to obtain information about your credit history.

The rate of 0.00% is 0% higher than the average 0%. Also it is the highest rate for this term period Updated Apr, 2023

on Lloyds TSB's secure website

A Lloyds Basic Account may be available if you don’t meet the conditions for one of our other current accounts. This might be because you’re bankrupt, in financial difficulty, or if we’re not able to obtain information about your credit history.

The rate of 0.00% is 0% higher than the average 0%. Also it is the highest rate for this term period Updated Apr, 2023

on Lloyds TSB's secure website

Type Floating
Rate 0.00%
Currency GBP

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